Welcome to Birth & Body’s

Postpartum Services

Postpartum Services

  • Assessments

    As a Kinesiologist I offer many postpartum assessments and appointments to suit all your needs.

  • Studio Classes

    We have loads of classes each week to suit your needs, from fitness to education, to drop-in coffee chats. Learn more about our classes!

  • Outdoor Classes

    We have some exciting outdoor classes like Stroller Fit and Wear Me Wednesday Hikes!

  • Baby Wearing Education

    I offer fitting sessions, baby wearing support and carrier lending. I have a variety of carriers in my lending library to allow you to try them out. I will even help you put them on and adjust baby inside.

  • New Mother & Baby

    General in-home visit

    We will come to your home to visit you between day 3-6 after the birth to check in with how you are feeling, how you are adjusting to motherhood, how you are sleeping and feeding. We will debrief with you about your birth and make sure that you get connected with any local resources you may need.

    PRICE: $50/hr

    Included in Doula Packages

  • Breastfeeding

    Feeding Visit

    Feeding challenges can be very difficult on a new parent. Our coaches can come to your house and give you some latch ideas and feeding positions to try during your feed that might make things easier for you. We can also help refer you to a lactation consultant in the area if we feel more support is needed.

    PRICE: $50/hr

    Included in Doula Packages

  • Newborn

    Newborn Care

    We are skilled and knowledgeable about the care and development of infants as well as maternal recovery and adjustment. We provide non-judgemental guidance on newborn care and feeding, assist the mother with physical and emotional recovery, care for baby so mother can care for herself, and provide practical household assistance.

    PRICE: $50/hr

    Included in Doula Packages