Tension Releasing Body Scan: A How-To Guide

Welcome to your gentle tension-releasing body scan. This practice is designed to help you connect with your body, release tension, and find relaxation during pregnancy, which can be particularly beneficial for labour. Follow these steps with kind and gentle reminders, allowing your body to melt away any stress or discomfort.

Step-by-Step Body Scan

  1. Find a Comfortable Position

    • Sit or lie down in a comfortable position where you can fully relax. Close your eyes if it feels comfortable.

  2. Take a Few Deep Breaths

    • Inhale deeply through your nose, feeling your belly rise. Exhale slowly through your mouth, letting go of any tension.

  3. Head and Neck

    • Scalp: Imagine a warm, soothing light gently melting away any tension.

    • Ears: Feel the relaxation spreading through them.

    • Forehead: Notice any tightness in your forehead and allow it to soften.

    • Jaw: Unclench your jaw, letting it hang loosely.

    • Neck: Gently move your neck from side to side, feeling the tension melt away.

    • Affirmation: “I release all tension from my head and neck. My mind is calm, and my body is at ease.”

  4. Shoulders and Upper Body

    • Shoulders: Let your shoulders drop and feel the weight lift off them.

    • Diaphragm: Place a hand on your diaphragm and take a deep breath, feeling it expand.

    • Belly: Feel the warmth and relaxation in your belly.

    • Affirmation: “My shoulders, diaphragm, and belly are light and relaxed. I let go of all burdens and breathe freely.”

  5. Arms and Hands

    • Arms: Let your arms hang loosely at your sides or rest comfortably.

    • Hands: Unclench your fists, letting your fingers spread gently.

    • Affirmation: “My arms and hands are open and relaxed. I am ready to embrace calm and ease.”

  6. Pelvic Area and Glutes

    • Pelvic Floor: Focus on your pelvic floor, feeling it relax and release.

    • Glutes: Allow your glutes to soften and release any tension.

    • Affirmation: “My pelvic floor and glutes are soft and relaxed. I feel grounded and supported.”

  7. Legs and Feet

    • Quads: Feel the relaxation spread through your quads, releasing any tightness.

    • Calves: Notice any tension in your calves and let it melt away.

    • Feet: Feel the relaxation in your feet, allowing them to rest comfortably.

    • Toes: Wiggle your toes gently, feeling the tension release.

    • Affirmation: “My legs and feet are relaxed and at ease. I am supported and stable.”

Final Relaxation

  • Take a moment to feel your entire body, from head to toe, fully relaxed and at ease.

  • Affirmation: “My entire body is relaxed and at peace. I trust in my body’s ability to carry me through pregnancy and labour.”

Practice this body scan regularly to build a connection with your body and release tension. Use it as a tool to find calm and comfort during your pregnancy and labour. Remember, you are strong, capable, and surrounded by peace.


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