Hospital Birth or Home Birth? What to chose and why?

Deciding where to give birth is a very personal decision, and there are pros and cons to both hospital and home births. Here are some things to consider when deciding where to give birth:

  1. Your health and the health of your baby: If you have a high-risk pregnancy or any medical conditions that may complicate childbirth, a hospital birth may be the safest option for you. Hospitals have a range of medical professionals and equipment on hand to handle any emergencies that may arise. However, if you have a low-risk pregnancy and are considering a home birth, it's important to choose a qualified and experienced midwife to attend your birth and The Sudbury Community Midwives are all fantastic midwives that will support you through pregnancy, labour, birth and in postpartum.

  2. Your preferences and comfort level: Consider your personal preferences and comfort level when deciding where to give birth. Some people feel more comfortable giving birth in the familiarity of their own home, while others prefer the security and resources of a hospital. Think about what environment will make you feel the most comfortable, safe and supported.  Oxytocin is the hormone of birth and is produced when the birther feels safe and supported.  Everyone is different as to where they feel the feelings of safety.  As for your preferences, decide on what comfort measures are important to you.  Do you want to birth in a tub? Shower? Do you want to get up and move around?  If these are important to you, talk with your Doula as to where you can access these comfort measures.

  3. Access to medical care: If you choose to give birth at home, it's important to consider how far you are from medical care in case of an emergency. While home births are considered safe for low-risk pregnancies, it's important to have a plan in place in case you or your baby need medical attention.

  4. Time & Cost: Hospital births tend to take longer as there is a required amount of time you are to stay after birth to ensure your healing.  You might also want to pay for a private room which can cost out of pocket if you don’t have coverage.  Home births happen all inside your home, but might require you to purchase or rent equipment or rearrange your birthing space to be adequate.

In SUDBURY your options are:

Home with a Midwife

Clinic with a Midwife

Hospital with a Midwife

Hospital with an Obstetrician or Medical Doctor

Ultimately, the best birthing location for you will depend on your and your partners individual circumstances and preferences. It's important to do your research and consult with your healthcare provider to make the decision that is right for you and your baby.


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